An analog sound collage chronicling epiphanies in music, literature, plant life—and everything in between. Each episode departs with a dialogue on such topics, and concludes with a curated playlist from our archive; featuring over an hour of tracks -from Shoegaze to Ethiopian funk, Czech rock & beyond.
Hiccuping Lynch and Other Lamentations
Join us as we kvetch on the more disappointing aspects of life itself, while reminiscing on David Lynch, the lost art of handwriting, and other little miracles. We'll also read excerpts from The Book Of A Hundred Hands by George B. Bridgeman [1920], as well as Horace Kephart’s Camping And Woodcraft: A Facsimile Edition [1917].
After diving into our cerebral confessions…we welcome you to your Friday night mixxtape -featuring tunes by Arc de Soleil, Wooden Shjips, Portico Quartet, Cocteau Twins, Ohio Express, Brenda and the Tabulations, and a few other dizzying vocal visionaries from yesterday-land.
Ingredients: illusions, twin peaks, hiccups, an imagined eclipse, VHS tapes, bark water buckets, wrists, coral beams embroidered on your tender spiraled collapse, a tongue beyond the tide.